October 11, 2008

Read This Book!

Among the several books I'm reading right now is James Weldon Johnson's The Autobiography of an Ex-Colored Man. I first read the book way back in 2002 for my African American literature class. Ever since my first read back in '02 I've been trying to find a copy of the book, but to no avail. It's just one of those books you have to have in your collection, its a hands down classic.

After attending the Women In Hip-Hop event in Harlem last weekend, I stopped by one of the local Harlem books stores. While browsing around I spotted The Autobiography of an Ex-Colored Man and it was only $2.50! So of course I bought it.

To give you a very brief synopsis of the book, it's about a bi-racial man who is so fair that he's able to pass as a white man. So the book focuses on the choice he has between either embracing and accepting his black culture or choosing to live as a white man. So if you're in the market for a new book you should definitely check it out.