October 14, 2008

Mouse In My House.

A few months after I moved into my current apartment I came to the realization that we have mice. For any female (and some males) that's a problem, a huge problem at that. They're nasty, they're scary, they're just plain disgusting. They also make annoying scratching noises at night that make you mad paranoid.

But this week, I realized something. Some of our most beloved childhood characters/cartoons are mice. I mean really, how can you be afraid of Fievel or Mickey and Minnie Mouse?! I'm onto something aren't I? And although I would like to be rid of these creatures the thought of Fievel running around my room is mildly amusing.

Lastly, I would like to dedicate this blog to my roommate Ashleigh for whom the mice have found a nice home in her closet full of Nine West's.