January 28, 2010

Handbag Diaries: Vintage Leather Bag

There's a few things I'm obsessed with. Music, nail polish, and handbags all rank pretty high on my list of obsessions. I talk about music a lot on this blog and now I want to give my obsession with handbags a little more shine. So...without further ado...I bring you Handbag Diaries! I'm so creative with the titles, right?

Every few days I'm going to highlight a bag I have in my growing collection. The bag I'm featuring today is my newest bag and it's also my current favorite. I bought it at a thrift shop here in Atlanta. I like to call it my "mystery bag" because there are NO labels whatsoever on it. No designer label, material label, nothing! Here's a few pics. And ladies let me know if you're feeling it or not!