I recently came across these hilarious pictures of basketball player Kobe Bryant taken for the Los Angeles Times Magazine.
Funny thing is the hilarity doesn't stop there. Apparently, the stylist for the photo shoot was inspired by Tupac! I think it's safe to say that somebody is rolling over in their grave right now. Check out what the stylist for the shoot had to say to the Los Angeles Times about styling Kobe:
“Kobe was amazing to work with because he was cool with everything. He trusted us. We took a picture and he liked it so we kept going. We wanted to do a picture with a hat because the photographer wanted to do everything in white. I didn’t want to use accessories that would look too retro. Let’s do it in a cool, young way because that’s what Kobe is. He’s a cool, young and successful athlete. I wanted to give a modern approach. I was thinking of [rapper] Tupac [Shakur] where I put a band underneath in the hat to make it look hip-hop, but … it translates in a surreal look where it creates a strong image. It was something that hasn’t been done before. It’s mixing the inspiration of Tupac and a gentleman with a white hat … a mix of a hip-hop and a conservative look.”