I was checking out Gangstarr Girl's blog today and I came across a video of Angela and Vanessa Simmons introducing their latest Pastry collection. Now I'm definitely not a huge fan of Pastry. I don't think their shoes are really aimed towards the 25 and up crowd. But with this new line I was kinda impressed to see that they're doing something aside from sneakers. The new collection includes both flats and heels. Now I wasn't feeling the flats, but the heels are definitely kinda hot.
And on a completely different note, while I'm not a huge fan of Pastry I love the fact that Vanessa and Angela are two young women who don't have to ho themselves out to make a name for themselves. Kudos to them for that! Hopefully, this younger generation of girls choose the right women to look up to.
Check out the video below to see a sampling of Pastry's latest collection.