Before you even continue reading this you must be between the ages of 12 and 19 to take part. Not sure how many 12-year-olds I get checking for my blog, but I think may have a few 18 and up.
Gotham Casting and MTV are holding a free screening of the new Shrek movie to get opinions from viewers. Check out the e-mail I received for more info and be sure to send an e-mail to Gotham Casting ASAP:
We are looking for young, energetic and OPINIONATED young adults, between 12-19 years old to watch the film and then give their thoughts and reviews of it afterwards for a special that will air on MTV!
You will be watching the entire film in a private screening room, and then letting our camera know what you thought of it! You should be outgoing, comfortable in front of a camera and have a lot to say!
The screening is taking place THIS Monday May 10th at the MTV Building. Check in time would be at 3:30PM. ONLY RESPOND TO THIS INVITE IF YOU ARE AVAILABLE ON THIS DATE AT THIS TIME.
Because of the exclusivity of this screening, you can only bring ONE guest for you. This is a VERY small event.
If you are interested and available, please respond back to
and put “Shrek Screening” in the subject line and include the following:
AGE: (you MUST be between 12-19)
GUEST NAME: (you can bring ONE guest with you…they must be between 12-19)
We will send you a confirmation email to confirm your spot at the Screening!