To help women overcome hair woes that seem to become much more frustrating in the summer months Avon set-off on a tour introducing their new humidity-fighting product, Advance Techniques Frizz Control Lotus Shield. Earlier this week Avon, with the help of Cosmopolitan Magazine, brought their tour to Atlanta and offered free blowouts to anyone who signed up for one. They of course used their new Lotus Shield products and I can definitely attest to the line being amazing. I received a blowout (wash, blow-dry, and flat-iron) during the event and surprisingly enough it’s now three days later and my hair has yet to become a frizzy, poof ball. Anyone who knows me knows that I NEVER blow-dry or flatiron my hair in the summer months when it’s hot and humid. It’s pretty much pointless because the humidity eventually makes my straight hair poofy, frizzy, and downright awful, but like I said it’s days after my blowout and my straight hair is still going strong.
During the event I was lucky enough to get an interview with hair stylist and Avon global stylist Tippi Shorter. She also partially flat-ironed my hair so that was pretty exciting. (Yay!) Tippi has worked with a number of celebrities including Jennifer Hudson, Alicia Keys, and Rihanna. She has also worked backstage at numerous runway shows. Check out my interview with Tippi below and if you live in New York City or Philadelphia click here for more info on when Avon will be stopping in your city.